Welcome to our velaluqa blog!

We're writing about the technologies we use and about the projects we're working on.

Share public folder between dockerized Rails and nginx reverse proxy

While you’re working on a Ruby on Rails application, Rails’ build-in Puma development server is serving your public folder, no question. With RAILS_ENV=production, Puma doesn’t, and this is a very useful default. You don’t want that valuable Ruby worker threads are busy serving files from the harddrive. How can we access the application’s public folder from a different docker container?

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What I talk about, when I talk about testing

A big part of software development is quality assurance. We want to make sure that we implement the correct behaviour according to specifications and that we don’t introduce bugs when deploying a new version. For this, every project depends on a rigorous testing process, either manual or automated. We like to let our development process be guided by automated tests so most of the time they become the first code we write.

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When 10x becomes 1/10th

Ready, set, go! You started your project with a team you trust. All the planning is done, the team knows your goals and gets to work. The first artifact is ready for testing after a two-week kick-off sprint. You are amazed by how quickly first changes are implemented. You give feedback and adjust some requirements for the next sprint. After a few weeks your desired changes are made and some more features are implemented.

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Rails in Docker via AWS Elastic Beanstalk

AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a toolkit to deploy web application server environments to AWS Elastic Compute Cloud. It is designed to get a new environment running as quickly as possible. Everything can be done from the command-line which helps automating the process.

This post describes how to deploy a new Ruby on Rails application with Sidekiq to the Elastic Compute Cloud leveraging its database services (AWS Relational Database Service and AWS ElastiCache).

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Avoid downtime while DNS changes propagate with Linux

Your business grow, you need more power, you want to change your hosting provider - there can be a lot of reasons to move production applications from one server to another. If there is no simple way to scale an application, plus you need to update DNS entries, there may be a downtime while these DNS changes propagate. Perhaps, some proxy servers, Google, Microsoft or whoever disrespect your shortened DNS TTL? I’ll combine some nice and uncommon Linux networking features to completely avoid that downtime.

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What is your next software project?

Hello, yippee, we’ve just setup a blog using the great Jekyll project! In this blog, we’re going to publish articles about the technologies we use, about the projects we’re working on and perhaps sometimes about ourselves :-)

We develop custom software using modern web technologies. These enable us to cover a variety of different applications, such as interactive online platforms, mobile apps or software systems for business-internal use. How are we going to make your software project thrive?

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